What We Do

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Opening Doors to New

Community Opportunities

Some developers create buildings. We create homes. The needs of our residents and communities are integrated into every step of our development and acquisition processes.

What Matters Most

At Keyhole Capital, our focus is not on properties, but on people. We strive to create and acquire spaces that feel like home.

Every community is unique. That’s why we don’t use a one-size-fits-all process. Our team approaches each project mindfully, with a singular perspective that fits the property and its community. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that each and every resident feels welcome and at home from the moment they step into the building.

Our properties are created and maintained in a way that supports both residents and communities as a whole, contributing to the vitality of cities and towns of all sizes.

Leading The Way

Keyhole Capital boasts a highly-experienced leadership team with a unique approach to property and community investment. Learn more here.

Our Team